Thursday, April 06, 2006

Never Far From My Thoughts

It's been a little over 9 months since Marlon's untimely passing, and while I can get through the daily grind alright, there are certain things that just set me off sobbing. I was having a discussion this morning where I stated that generally after people pass away, people forget the bad things and only speak well of the dead- even if the person was a supreme bastard whilst alive. So I thought back and tried to look objectively and saw that Marlon's life is so genuinely celebrated because he was so genuine. This sounds odd for a brother & sister not to fight- but all while growing up we got in maybe 2 fights- both picked by me- because I had never seen Marlon's unwavering patience really break. I had never seen him get truly angry. He was just so incredibly patient and kind- to everyone. I have been thinking about Marlon a lot and have been meaning to post a new entry here. Instead, I tell anyone that will listen- including people who never knew Marlon or people who don't even know me well about how great a man he was. Every day I find something along my path that reminds me of him, so I know he'll always be a part of me. And what better of person to emulate than Marlon?