Sunday, September 04, 2005

2 Months

It's been two months since Marlon's sudden passing and I surprised myself at just how strong I was during this terrible time. But in the past week I've been thinking of him so much and certain things I see or hear just set me off into tears. I'm not quite sure how it got there, but Ivy's (my daughter) pacifier was on top of his urn- and there was no way she could've reached up there. That made me remember the time when I asked Marlon to take away the pacifier she had in her mouth and as quickly as he did that, she had a back-up in her other hand and popped it in. Marlon had found this hilarious and said that Ivy showed him you have to be prepared. So I think that perhaps this was Marlon's way of letting me know he was okay. I don't know about everyone else, but I've been missing him more than ever this past week. God Bless you Marlon.